Saturday, 30 June 2018

Dental Anatomy Systems 2018 - Best Dental Clinic in Noida ( Nayar Dental care Center )

·         Enamel. The dental enamel makes for the white outer surface of the tooth. 
·         Mostly consisting of calcium phosphate, the dental enamel is the hardest and most durable mineralised tissue in the human body.
·         Dentin. The dentin is a softer dental layer that underlies that dental enamel.
·         Dental Pulp. The dental pulp sits underneath the dental enamel and dentin. Consisting of soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerves, the dental pulp is the sensory component of the tooth.
·         Cementum. The cementum is a layer of specialised calcified substance that acts as a covering of the tooth root. The cementum is part of the periodontium that keeps the tooth root tooth firmly planted into the gums and jawbone.

·         Periodontal Ligament. The periodontal ligament is a group of fibrous tissues that attaches the tooth into the alveolar bone proper.
~Common dental terms that you may need to know 2018 - By Dr Rohit Nayar ( Nayar Dental Care Center NOida )
Cuspid- Your teeth that come to a point (right next to your front teeth) are called
cuspids- Sometimes they are called canines as well. Teeth that come to two points are called bicuspids.

Molar- Your back teeth behind your bicuspids.
Crown- The part of your tooth above the gum. (The visible part of your tooth.)
Root- The part of your tooth in your gums.
Enamel- The hard surface of your teeth that protects the root of your tooth.
Gingivae- Another name for your gums.
Pulp- the soft inner structure of your tooth housing nerves and blood vessels.
Antiseptic- A chemical that can be applied to your mouth to destroy germs.
Aspirator- A straw like vacuum the dentist uses to suck all the saliva from your mouth
Caries- Another name for a cavity.
Fluoride- A chemical that hardens your teeth and prevents tooth decay.
Labial and Lingual: Anything having to do with your lips or tongue respectively.
Mandible- Your lower jaw
Tartar- Bacteria on your teeth than can lead to periodontal disease.
Plaque- A sticky film that can form on the surface of your teeth that can turn into tartar.

Contact Info
E- 25, Sector-27,
Near Indra Market Noida,
Uttar Pradesh, India.

Work : 0120 - 4133707 
Cell :
 +91 9999 315 707

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